Hello there, if someone forwarded you here, they must have felt that you were unexperienced in Newground mores.
Here are a few tips:
First, read the 'BBS House Rules' and General Rules you wouldn't believe how much flak you will avoid.
Second, Lurk, lurk, and lurk some more. Stay away from things that everyone else seems to say, memes such as 'do a barrel roll' or 'grab her cock' These are bannable offences.
Third, before posting on the BBS (the Newgrounds forum) be sure that you have something interesting to post. Whether it be funny, baffling, or dramatic, make sure it has some semblance of meaning. Therein lays the path to respect on the BBS.
The Fourth step is optional but if you really want to be up to date with everything Newgrounds explore the 'History of the Portal'
If you do all of these things you will transcend the role of 'n00b' and assume the mantle of 'new user'
Most important of all though, have fun!