Hello cold empty reaches of space,
I figured I would set out the rules I follow when reviewing.
-The Vousielle Bump
I figure that whether I like a submission or not, I will give it a 5 if it appears that the author put a great deal of work into it. No work? No 5. I hope that this will encourage those Authors who are seriously trying to make flash to continue doing so, and hopefully someday make something great.
-The Official Vousielle 'Fazouill!' For Thinking Outside Of The Box
The intent of the award is obvious from the title. However the backstory is this, Fazouill is a nonsense statement I say when ever I am impressed, excited, etc. THere, that wasnt nearly as interesting as you thought it would be, was it, you dirty little perve?
Oh, Yeah. Im adding another computer made Pic, cause thats how I ride.
Hey, you deleted about 50 of you posts didn't you?
I dont think so