O_O Umm... Cancel that thought, I dunno if I want to be on that list anymore :p.
Age 35, Male
Artist, Wageslave
North Central College
Moline, Illinois
Joined on 7/18/07
O_O Umm... Cancel that thought, I dunno if I want to be on that list anymore :p.
Accept your sexiness
If UILF stands for user id like to fuck then........*bends down* get it over with.
Already started.
so what does CES stand for, I'm just blanking out here
Confederacy of Earth Systems
OH NOES! you took down my drawing =:::(
[im going to be an emo about it and go cut myself]
all the cool kids do.
ahh nice nice, bet they hate them damn yanks, livin up north and without slaves!! i mean what kind of system has made slavery illegal? jeeze, seriously go get em you southern lads
those damnyankees with their living flesh and their SUVs
So I went to a date with this haloman221 guy and...boy...what a dick he is. His idea of dinner is an old pizza he found behing his fridge and he though I sucked cock on the first date. Hah, as if! I think I'm just going to stay with you, honey buns =)
you and me babe
paint warhammer nao, k?
buy me the figurines, and I'll paint 'em
they're not figurines they're models dammit! jk jk
they are expensive, damn greedy brits and they're damn powerful pounds
Pay up bitch
pay up? hell no! i need that money for me! i dont buy my own anyway, i get em as gifts! hooray free!
Well give me gifts then dammit!
that would still involve spending my money, something I don't like doing too much, I keep it in a giant pile, and whenever i spend it, the pile gets smaller, making me sad......
Replace it with colored pieces of paper. No more sad.
you go ahead and use colored pieces of paper and buy em then, plus i'm no fool so there would still be sadness, and i'll post a new poster tomorrow, even if it turns out to be an old one
I refuse to respond...wait...fuck
Oh my god you're awesome.
I love when people comment me as being nerdy! I'm not the biggest nerd, but one day maybe! ='D
I am awesome!
Don't be such a recluse, Mr. Recluse.
I am a brown recluse
Bom cicka wow wow
Ewww apple
What does UILF mean?
User I'd Like to Fuck